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  • 🦉 Issue #21: We can all agree on one thing - Nobody trusts generative AI.

🦉 Issue #21: We can all agree on one thing - Nobody trusts generative AI.

A wise grunger once sang, "A State of Love and Trust." We have neither right now.

As we wobble through the AI adoption curve, full of wild peaks and valleys, I keep coming back to the idea that at the root of the human experience is storytelling. That’s my north star for this issue, and really for all the issues.

👇 This Forbes article is worth the read.

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  • A banana milkshake

  • A pack of 10 envelopes

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Do you know what costs less than these things but is worth 10x as much?

The new premium membership! It’s called Creative AI Insider, and you can get it for less than five bucks a month. It’s easier to show than tell, so here’s a free copy of the August Insider.

✨ Personal Update

I had a great conversation with a friend. It reminded me that we’re all doing our best. Despite what you might see on social, we’re all just trying to figure it out. And that’s okay.

It got me thinking. Do you/would you use AI to help you process your thoughts or deal with life’s issues? I don’t mean as a replacement for a qualified therapist. I’m talking about quick and confidential conversations with a chat bot (like Pi).

Please vote in the anonymous poll:

Have you or would you consider using an AI to help you process your thoughts or to work through a personal problem?

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🖋️ “Write” or Wrong? Authors Challenge ChatGPT's Training Methods!


Another group of U.S. authors, with Pulitzer Prize winner Michael Chabon leading the charge, have thrown down the gauntlet at OpenAI, pointing fingers at the Microsoft-supported program for allegedly pilfering their masterpieces to teach ChatGPT some smooth conversational skills.

OpenAI suggests there's nothing wrong with a little “fair use” borrowing from the web. After all, ChatGPT, which had its brief shining moment as the fastest-growing app, owes its conversational prowess to high-quality, marathon-length writing from these authors.

But, the authors claim that not only did ChatGPT gobble up their work without permission, but it’s also so good that it can condense their works and mimic their unique writing styles.

My Take

I'm scratching my head over where these lawsuits are headed. Why are the authors going all guns blazing and not the publishers?

🎨 Brushing Up AI: Artists Paint a Different Picture on Generative Tech


A bunch of artists penned an open letter to Congress, giving generative AI two thumbs up and a wink, emphasizing that it's more than just a soul-sucking, robotic mechanism. It's their new tool for creativity. They're calling for a seat at the table, urging Congress to pull up a chair for artists in all the chit-chat about AI regulations.

But not all artists are boarding this tech train. The community is as divided as a cassette tape split between Side A and Side B. While some artists are wary, fearing the creative apocalypse AI might bring, others see it as a tool that can democratize art production, blending the past with the future.

There's no right or wrong in this evolving narrative. Some say AI could be the art world's Y2K – a lot of fuss about nothing – while others reckon it's like the internet, reshaping everything. However, one thing's clear: we need diverse voices in this discourse, ensuring AI evolves in a way that benefits all.

My Take

From my vantage point, the feelings about generative AI in the creative realm are mixed. I'll admit, sometimes I'm a fan, and sometimes I'm skeptical.

But whether you're an AI enthusiast or a naysayer, one thing's glaringly obvious: creative minds should be right in the heart of these high-level discussions. I mean, the recent AI chat at the White House was missing some serious artistic flair.

🎯 Prompt of the Week


Want to learn how to master ChatGPT? Check out this great course from PromptHero! 👇

Want to create lifelike voiceovers for your content? Explore the most advanced text to speech and voice cloning software ever! 👇

Want $250 cash for using beehiiv? Details below! 👇

🔍 Boomers and Gen X Missing the AI-Train: It's Not Just Your Dad's Tech Anymore!


While Gen Z is riding this wave, Gen X and boomers? Not so much. According to a survey of 4,000 peeps by Salesforce, a whopping 70% of Gen Z are using these new tech toys, with most leveraging it for work. Meanwhile, 68% of those not getting their hands on generative AI are, you guessed it, Gen X and the boomers.

As for the why – some just don't get how it’ll make a difference in their lives while a chunk admits to being unfamiliar with the tech.

People are hungry for AI that’s more secure, easy to understand, and integrated into their everyday tech.

My Take

It's clear to me that Gen X isn’t grasping the seismic shift happening right under our noses. This Salesforce study? Just another drop in the bucket proving it. And sure, 4,000 might not be the biggest number you’ve ever seen, but it's enough to shout, "Wake up and smell the code!"

My mom always had a rule: try the food before you decide you don’t like it. We've got 68% of Gen X and boomers who haven’t even given generative AI a taste.

👀 AI Suspicion Surge: Are We Creating Our Own Digital Frenemy?


Pew Research dropped a bomb: people are suspicious of artificial intelligence. But why? For generative AI to be any good, it has to learn from us humans. Now, if you've met us, you'd know we ain't always the most reliable bunch. Mess with its learning process, and you've got a machine spreading the wrong kind of knowledge faster than rumors in a small town. Add to that, if folks feel threatened by AI, thinking it'll snatch their job away, they might just sabotage its training. After all, no one wants to be replaced by a machine, right?

So, what's the fix? Simple. Position AI as a sidekick, not the star of the show. Make sure employees feel excited about it, not threatened.

My Take

No shocker that the boomers and my Gen X peers are giving generative AI the side-eye. Trust is the main hurdle, and let's face it, if we base this trust on the stuff floating around the internet, we might as well be navigating a minefield blindfolded.

Most people despise change. Yep, you might be the adventurous type (kudos to you), but many folks like their comfort zone untouched, thank you very much. As much as we might yawn at the idea of a static life, we've got to understand that for many, the fear of change is real.

🎬 Revolutionize Your Storyboarding Process

I have not tried Storyboarder.ai yet, but it looks amazing!

From their site: “Storyboarder.ai is an AI-powered tool designed for film production companies and agencies to streamline their storyboarding process and bring stories to life on screen faster.”

Try it out now! 👇

👯‍♂️ Leverage the Power of Your Digital Likeness

Render is a fascinating new service that empowers you to create your digital likeness with AI.

From their site: “We create a digital replica of your image and likeness, and an accurate clone of your voice so that you can render hyper-realistic avatar content with ease… Blog posts, social media, website videos, micro-learning, sales follow-ups…just think of all the times you wish you could turn your words into the perfect video…”

Try it out now! 👇

⭐ AI Superstar - All Trends AI

I’m always on the lookout for a great AI newsletter. Check out “All Trends AI” for daily updates on trends and tools.

👇 Subscribe for free!

😜 MemeMe

🌐 Rando Disco

Random images from the Midjourney Discord server, #newbies channel.

"You can't handle the truth!" No, I can. For real.

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